Epsilon3 Changelog #74 - Work Orders, Snippet Management, Project Navigation, Run Summary Attachment 

Welcome to the latest edition of the Epsilon3 Changelog, covering release versions 1.146 - 1.148. Customer feedback fuels each new feature and improvement, so we’d love to hear what you think about these latest developments. Let’s keep driving mission success!

Hot Off the Press:


  • Work Orders for Builds

  • Procedure Snippet Management

  • Project Level Navigation

  • Run Attachment Summary

New! Work Orders for Builds

  • Use work orders to manage multiple builds of a specific part assembly.

  • Once created, work orders provide a centralized view of the production process, including the As-Built Bill of Materials (aBOM) and on-hand inventory, which are updated in real-time.

  • The new Work Orders page displays active and ended work orders, and production data is securely stored for optimal traceability.

  • Help Center Article


New! Procedure Snippet Management

  • Snippets offer a quick and easy way to add pre-built steps to new and existing procedures.

  • Like procedures, teams can review, revise, and release snippets before they’re available.

  • For improved traceability, you can also see where every snippet is used.

  • Help Center Article


New! Run Attachment Summary

  • Do you have a team, customer, or regulatory agency requesting documentation on previously run procedures? You’ll love the ability to generate a summary that includes timestamped signoffs, inputs, tables, comments, attachments, and other important as-run metadata.

  • Run summaries can be customized to include only what you need to view or print, including a detailed summary of any content, images, or files uploaded during a run.

  • Help Center Article


Preview! Project Level Navigation

  • Organizing your workspace becomes much easier once all your builds, tests, parts, issues, and procedures are connected to a specific project.

  • In addition to filtering your searches by project, teams can use the automated naming feature that helps categorize procedures and resources based on established project or program names.

  • Help Center Article



  • Move signoffs to the bottom of the step

  • Reference table cells in expressions

  • Allow procedure settings to change without review


  • Fixed markdown not displaying during review

  • Fixed that the workspace changes on cmd + k

  • Added a warning to guard against losing data when adding redlines

  • Procedures recognize start run permissions

  • Fix that added part in check in block shows as removed in diff

If you are a current user of Epsilon3, contact support@epsilon3.io for the review link to earn $50 before submitting.


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