Epsilon3 Changelog #53: @mentions in Review, Pause Run for Critical Issues, View and Print Barcodes for Parts, Updates to Operations
Welcome to the latest Epsilon3 product updates! We’d love to hear from you about what you love and what else you need.
@Mentions in Review
Run Paused for Reporting Critical Issue
View and Print Barcodes for Parts
Multiple updates to Operations
We're excited to announce Epsilon3 will be attending ASCEND October 23-25th! The ASCEND conference connects the civil, commercial, and national security space sectors to embrace the opportunities that come with increased activity in space. Say hello to Laura & Ryan if you're there!
We will also be at Digital Spaceport of the Future Workshop in Orlando on Nov 1-2nd. SPACEWERX, the Space arm of AFWERX, invites industry experts and representatives of the United States Space Force to develop new technology focused on building and operating our spaceports. We’re excited to be a part of these discussions. Let us know if you’ll be there too!
New! @Mentions in Review
Streamline your review process with your colleagues by mentioning them directly in comments.
Type @ to trigger a dropdown list of teammates to tag in a comment.
Select who you’d like to notify, and once your comment is posted, your mentioned teammate will receive an email to check out your comment.
@mentions for Runs will be coming shortly!
New! Run Paused for Reporting Critical Issue
To ensure operational integrity and potential hazards during a run, when a Critical issue is reported, the run will automatically pause until the critical issue is resolved.
Create an issue with a severity level set to Critical within a run, and it will automatically pause that run. As long as the run has critical issues on it, users will not be able to manually resume.
Once the critical issue is managed, whether by closing the issue or moving it to a lower severity, it will then allow users to manually resume the run.
All other issue severities (e.g. Major or Minor) will not pause the run.
New! View and print barcodes for parts
Easily manage barcodes and reduce errors by scanning an item’s barcode when kitting or checking in inventory.
Barcodes are automatically generated for all items tracked with Serial or Lot number.
Click the barcode icon next to an inventory item's serial or lot number to reveal its barcode.
Print barcodes and attach them to the items.
Updates to Operations
We’ve updated Operations to incorporate user feedback and improve user experience. Here’s what’s new:
Operations page will have a paginated display with 50 operations per page.
Search terms now persist across the Planning, Running, and Ended tabs. Clear the search term to reset all tabs.
Operators can now set, update, or remove an Operation from an active run.
Admins can set or update an Operation from an ended run.
Control display of Full Diffs with Show Changes toggle.
Performance improvements on List views across the platform.
Swimlane labels will now stay in view while scrolling vertically in Schedule.
Allow export of Parts to CSV in Builds.
Display hierarchy of folders/subfolders for CSVs in Data & Analysis.
Display file metadata in Data & Analysis.
Allow check-in of multiple serial-tracked parts in Builds.
Ability to chain Relative Events in Schedule.
Fixed issue with double quotes not escaping in 'exported csv content' in Builds.
Fixed bug when a detached event links you back to the event details page.
Fixed bug where profile menu does not display in Safari.
Fixed floating point arithmetic bug related to PO unit cost input.
Fixed bug that allowed events with attached runs to be unscheduled.
Fixed nested locations bug on inventory CSV import.
Fixed alignment of Expression block in Edit.
If you are a current user of Epsilon3, contact support@epsilon3.io for the review link to earn $50 before submitting.
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